fine knit body
price incl VAT
price ex shipment
available S-M-L
price € 280
one sided vinyl LP
live recording of the ashtoreth performance
Paris, 04.03.2011
length: 19 minutes
code for mp3 download included
available LP
price € 18 (incl. vat)
Who is it?
And what’s the Phobia?
Has the (super) ego finally defeat its basement?
Who was it and will we ever catch it?
Itobia is a project by pelican avenue featuring musician Ashtoreth. The live recording of the performance during Paris fashion week beginning of march 2011 will be released on vinyl by end of august 2011.
Itobia is based on the idea of the unknown beast, the phobia of the it, an undefined but omnipresent and dominant fear in us.
The collection merges different animal elements, wing shapes and reptile textures to receive the threat of utopic creatures.
extract of the live performance by ashtoreth for pelican avenue during Paris fashion week